Category: Business

A Page Your Website Needs

Website Keyboard Flower Website Checklist Included

A Page Your Website Needs Now is a Blog But First: Did you listen to today’s podcast on why your website is so important? If not the check it out below: I interviewed Theresa from Cowgirl-Media on why websites are still SO important. Often times we get so hung up on social media platforms we […]

Looking Back on 2018


I am happy when looking back on 2018!  My virtual assistant business had just been started in mid-May and I kind of just jumped in. I knew I had the experience and I knew I would provide the best quality work to my ability, but there was still a lot of unknown. I didn’t know […]

Missing in Action from my Business


I have been missing in action for a couple of months because of the arrival of our daughter Rosalinde Meladean Hardeman. She was born September 9, 2018, at the hospital in Weiden, Germany. The Reason I Started My Business One of my biggest motivations to start this business was because of her. I had found […]

Instagram, How to Use It For Your Business


Instagram is becoming one of the most important tools you can use to help grow your business. It is definitely not a new social media platform, however, it continues to grow in popularity. So stick around to get some tips on how to use Instagram for your business. Instagram Business Profile Make sure you turn […]

My Dream For My Virtual Assistant Business


Dream big is what you are often told as a kid. Do you ever wonder what someone’s dream is for their business? What is motivating them to do what they do? Recently, I have joined an amazing group on Facebook that Fallon Taylor put together. If you don’t know Fallon is an NFR (National Finals […]

5 Reasons Why You Should Hire Me


You may be asking “why should I hire you?” and that is a great question. Below you will find five reasons why you should hire me. I want you to know I have the experience, the qualifications, the ambitiousness, and more to assist my clients in running their businesses. Cost. Just think how it’ll affect […]

My Story as a Virtual Assistant


I was a virtual assistant before it really had an official title. I have always had a fascination with working with websites and managing social media pages. My time with HorsesDaily Inc. as a Virtual Assistant The first big job that really let me shine was when I worked for Mary Phelps with HorsesDaily Inc., […]