I am happy when looking back on 2018! My virtual assistant business had just been started in mid-May and I kind of just jumped in. I knew I had the experience and I knew I would provide the best quality work to my ability, but there was still a lot of unknown. I didn’t know […]
I have been missing in action for a couple of months because of the arrival of our daughter Rosalinde Meladean Hardeman. She was born September 9, 2018, at the hospital in Weiden, Germany. The Reason I Started My Business One of my biggest motivations to start this business was because of her. I had found […]
You may be asking “why should I hire you?” and that is a great question. Below you will find five reasons why you should hire me. I want you to know I have the experience, the qualifications, the ambitiousness, and more to assist my clients in running their businesses. Cost. Just think how it’ll affect […]
I was a virtual assistant before it really had an official title. I have always had a fascination with working with websites and managing social media pages. My time with HorsesDaily Inc. as a Virtual Assistant The first big job that really let me shine was when I worked for Mary Phelps with HorsesDaily Inc., […]