Pages setup (landing/sales page, thank you page, opt-in page, or other stand alone pages
Credit system or LMS put in place for members
Pipeline setup (opt-in, webinar, and more)
Email/ CRM marketing pipeline + automation setup
Affiliate system setup (as requested/needed)
Troubleshooting any tech or other issues (if neeeded)
Management/Maintenance of your course/membership website (if requested)
Two thirty minute calls on setup overview
Unlimited communication access during the setup process (Typically 30 days)
Ready to grow your herd!?
Note: All content such as images, videos, documents must be provided by the client prior to the setup. Packages are all custom so pricing is relative to the client need.
Are you ready to teach people what you know, but don’t know where to start when it comes to the tech? I am your gal!