A Page Your Website Needs Now is a Blog
But First:
Did you listen to today’s podcast on why your website is so important?
If not the check it out below:
I interviewed Theresa from Cowgirl-Media on why websites are still SO important.
Often times we get so hung up on social media platforms we forget about our website.
I think for the equestrian world often times their website is just outdated. This could also mean that inormation is now incorrect such as contact information or even prices for some of their services.
A Page Your Website Needs Now:
A Blog
Another thing that a lot of people look over on their website is their blog. Most people may think they don’t have time for a blog, but it is
If you have a boarding barn and don’t know what to write about you could write about something fun that happened that month. Maybe a horse show, a trail ride or a new
The 5 Most Important Pages Every Website Should Have
Watch the below video to learn about 4 other pages you should have on your website.
Free Website Checklist
Are you needing help with where to get started with your website or are you trying to update your current one? I created a website checklist to help with basic requirements for your website you can get it HERE.
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